International Conference on Estuaries and Coasts - ICEC 2018
20 - 23 of August, 2018
Caen / France
On behalf the Local Organising Committee, it is a great pleasure in inviting you to the 6th International Conference on Estuaries and Coasts (ICEC-2018) in Caen, France.
This edition is co-organised under the auspice of the French GIS HEDD which includes 34 French research institutions in hydraulic engineering, and national institutions such as IFREMER, IRSTEA, IFSTTAR, BRGM etc. The GIS HEDD has been recognised and has the support of two French Ministries (Ministry of Research and Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development) to strengthen and extend research on Environmental Hydraulics in times of Global change, to bring scientific supports to public policies.
ICEC-2018 will be focused on the theme "Estuaries and Coasts in times of Global Change".
We hope to stimulate discussions, knowledge exchanges between scientists and to promote international cooperation on this important theme during the conference sessions and the technical visit.
Kim Dan Nguyen
(Chairperson of the LOC)
Important Dates
Dec 31, 2017
Deadline of abstract submission
Feb 1, 2018
Notification of abstract acceptance
Apr 1, 2018
Deadline of full paper submissions
May 15, 2018
Notification of paper acceptance
June 15, 2018
Submission of final Manuscripts
Conference Topics
Saline intrusion and sea level rise: measurements, modelling and forecasting their impacts to economic development and human lives
Waves and Tsunami: Measurements, modelling, forecasting and warning system
Estuarine and coastal flows and their evolution by climate change
Sediment transport and morphological change in estuaries and coastal zones
Megacities development and coastal floods under the threat of sea level rise and climate change
Observation, modelling, forecasting and early warning systems
Environment and ecosystem change in estuaries and coastal zones in time of global change
Integrated Coastal Zone Management for sustainable developments in global change context
Technical Visit
There will be two options: i) The Mont Saint-Michel and the Couesnon Sluice; and ii) Normandy Bridge, the Port of Le Havre and the Etretat Cliffs